Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Whitmer Family

This family is super sweet... they endured the sweat and the rain for this session! We waited it out and hid under porch roofs until the early summer shower gave up. Little man turned the big one as well!! Enjoy a peek in to their session!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Dasher Family

I drove out to Morriston to photograph Gabby and her sister, Precious, at their grandparents house! I love locations like this where there is history and the foundation of so much love. The image right below is her grandparents with their blackberry bushes... when I arrived they were outside drenching them in water. Tifton, Gabby's son, was all over the place! Full of energy and just plain out being a boy. I got a mini workout in chasing him around trying to get him to look at me... but some where he's looking the other way I just l.o.v.e. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tamisen & Adyson Turn 5!

This session was so much fun! This was the second year I photographed them together for their birthdays. I love this age because girls are starting to show their sass a bit more, hence why I asked them to not smile for some more serious/moody looking shots! They totally rocked the pout! The lighting and field couldn't have been more perfect for our shoot that night... Love these girls to pieces<3