Tuesday, March 15, 2016

United Conference | Arizona 10.15

My trip to Arizona was one that couldn't have come at a worse time.... or better... I guess it depends on how you look at it.
The previous weeks I had traveled to California and Colorado so by time United came I was exhausted! But! I love to learn so I was eager to meet other creatives in the industry and become inspired! Little did I know how many tears, hugs and truth would be shared by hundreds of photographers. Upon leaving I don't think I really absorbed the goodness... this homebody was just ready to get home! But months down the road I can feel the words from the mentors and speakers etched throughout my sessions. When I'm frustrated I go back to their words and experiences they shared with us. My biggest piece that I pulled from this experience was that we are all different. As creatives it can make business hard. Even harder when you gain friendships and relationships through clients. But at the end of the day... we all find beauty somewhere. Being genuine is more important than having the right camera settings. Maybe I still haven't learned every thing I was supposed to learn from this trip just yet. I still have a long way to go... but I met some really awesome people at United. And spent some qt with my right hand (wo)man, Candice, experiencing the Grand Canyon together!
Even though I won't be attending this year... I hope to make an effort to join other photography communities (workshops and mentorships) over the next couple of years.
Here's just a few shots from my time in the Grand Canyon State!

Our first models included the beautiful Suzy VanDyke and her son Wilder Freedom VanDyke!
On the run!
And then Dad showed up for some added smiles!
And kisses...
Then our next model was so handsome in his bow tie and jacket
Every one trying to get the shot
And the wonderful Ann Keen giving little man a pep talk
Then we made our way to the Grand Canyon!
Aspen trees in Arizona! I was so excited about this! Also, the clouds were almost as if you could reach up and touch them... we were at about 9000ft elevation.
But first, selfie.
Made it!!
Candice got way too close for comfort... my constant nags of "Candice you're too close" were probably enough to make her push me off! Haha
The surrounding foliage was absolutely beautiful...
I was just trying to not trip on the cacti.
This image is hardly altered... so many colors!
One of my favorite shots... this was taken when it was almost too dark to photograph... loving the grain and colors.
Charis the Yaris... she was faithful to us.
I fell in love with the ground cover... rocks just everywhere!
Desert or ocean floor?

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